For a full up to date list of publications see Google Scholar.
Selected publications
Phosphatidylserine-mediated phagocytosis involves unique cytoskeletal dynamics and coreceptors TREM2, CD14 and integrin αMβ2
D Vorselen*, R Kamber*, RLD Labitigan, AP van Loon, MK Delgado, MC Bassik, JA Theriot
In Review. on Biorxiv
Dynamics of phosphatidylserine-mediated phagocytosis.
D Vorselen
Biochemical Society Transactions 50: 1281(2022)
F-actin organization and target constriction during primary macrophage phagocytosis is balanced by competing activity of myosin-I and myosin-II.
SR Barger*, D Vorselen*,† , NC Gauthier, JA Theriot, M Krendel†
MBOC (2022)
Phagocytic ‘teeth’ and myosin-II ‘jaw’ power target constriction during phagocytosis.
D Vorselen*, SR Barger*, Y Wang, W Cai, JA Theriot, NC Gauthier, M Krendel
eLife 10, e68627 (2021)
Microparticle traction force microscopy reveals subcellular force exertion patterns in immune cell-target interactions.
D Vorselen, Y Wang, MM de Jesus, PK Shah, M Footer, M Huse, W Cai, JA Theriot
Nature Communications 11, 20 (2020)
This paper introduced a technique that uses deformable microparticles as cellular force sensors for studying immune cell dynamics. The technology by now has been shared with >40 research groups all over the world!
A mechanical perspective on phagocytic cup formation.
D Vorselen*, RLD Labitigan*, JA Theriot
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 66, 112-122 (2020)
Systematic Identification of General and Context-Specific Regulators of Phagocytosis Using Magnetic Genome-Wide CRISPR Screens.
MS Haney, CJ Bohlen, DW Morgens, JA Ousey, AA Barkal, CK Tsui, BK Ego, R Levin, RA Kamber, H Collins, A Tucker, A Li, D Vorselen, RLD Labitigan, E Crane, E Boyle, L Jiang, J Chan, E Rincón, WJ Greenleaf, B Li, MP Snyder, IL Weissman, JA Theriot , SR Collins, BA Barres, MC Bassik
Nature Genetics 50, 1716 (2018)
Older publications (less related to the currently ongoing research)
The fluid membrane determines mechanics of erythrocyte extracellular vesicles and is softened in hereditary spherocytosis.
D Vorselen, SM van Dommelen, R Sorkin, MC Piontek, J Schiller, ST Döpp, SAA Kooijmans, BA van Oirschot, BA Versluijs, MB Bierings, R van Wijk, RM Schiffelers, GJL Wuite, WH Roos
Nature Communications 9, 4960 (2018)
Competition between Bending and Internal Pressure Governs the Mechanics of Fluid Nanovesicles.
D Vorselen, FC MacKintosh, WH Roos, GJL Wuite
ACS Nano 11, 2628-2636 (2017)
Generic Indicators for Loss of Resilience Before a Tipping Point Leading to Population Collapse.
L Dai*, D Vorselen*, KS Korolev and J Gore
Science 336, 1175 – 1177 (2012)